The purpose of our show is to bring information and solutions to issues that impact the day-to-day lives of minorities.We can bring this value add by leveraging the knowledge of our host, Walter Latham, Sr. , co-host, Michelle Swiney, and our Panel, consisting of experts in various disciplines and life experiences.

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Why Should the Community Care About the War in Ukraine? Rebroadcast
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
In this week's episode we get a Black perspective on what's going on with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
- This invasion by Russia seems vaguely like what we did in Iran. We come up with a pretense Russia said Ukraine was full of Nazis and Bush said Weapons of Mass destruction before invading Iran
- I can’t help but notice when you see blonde blue-eyed people under the gun, all hell breaks loose
Website: www.thewaltweekly.com
Twitter: @thewaltweekly
Instagram: The Walt Weekly
FB: The Walt Weekly Podcast
The information and opinions expressed on any of the podcast that The Walt Weekly Podcast produces and the opinions expressed, are not necessarily those of the Walt Weekly. Our podcast are intended to address specific topics and relevant questions asked or situations described on the program and are not designed to constitute complete and professional advice or recommendations.

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Conversations With History Maker Mütter D. Evans- Rebroadcast
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Let me ask you guys a questions? What better way to close out Black History Month than with our history making guest ,Mutter D. Evans. For those who have not heard of Ms. Evans, in 1979 she purchased WAAA from Media Broadcasting Corporation for $1.04 million, making her the youngest and second African American woman to own a broadcast property in the United States. For this achievement Ms Evans was elected to Th Black Radio Hall of Fame.
She also initiated the Annual Noon Hour Commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Winston-Salem, five years before the first national holiday. The commemoration is one of the oldest Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial events in the United States.
More About Ms. Evans:
Mütter D. Evans was born in Williamston, North Carolina to Dallas Bryant and Mable C. Evans. Evans was raised in the late 1950s in rural eastern North Carolina. In 1971, she enrolled in Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. While there, she worked at the university’s radio station, and in her junior year, she was hired as an intern for the WAAA-AM radio station in Winston-Salem. She graduated from Wake Forest University in 1975 with her B.S. degree in speech communications and theatre arts.
Evans wrote a retrospect essay for the History of Wake Forest University, Volume V, 1967-1983 and was featured in the book Jewels: 50 Phenomenal Black Women Over 50 by Michael Cunningham and Connie Briscoe. She served on the governing council of the Quality Education Institute, and on the Business Advisory Council of Winston-Salem State University. Evans has also served on national or local boards for the Quality Education Academy, Arts Council, United Way of Forsyth County, Triad Cultural Arts, Winston Lake Family YMCA, American Red Cross, Wake Forest University Alumni Council, and the Winston-Salem State University Foundation. She was also a charter board member and graduate of Leadership Winston-Salem, and a member of the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters for many years.
She has received awards from the City of Winston-Salem, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Liberian Organization of the Piedmont, New Bethel Baptist Church's Race and Progress Committee, Alpha Mu Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Rho Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., the Winston-Salem Human Relations Commission, the Winston-Salem NAACP, Winston Lake YMCA, the United Negro College Fund, Morehouse College and Clark-Atlanta University. Evans has been named “Woman of the Year” by the Winston-Salem Chronicle, and was included as one of Black Enterprise magazine’s “30 Up and Coming Young Leaders.”
Mütter Evans was interviewed by The HistoryMakers on August 15, 2014.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Did you ever wonder what are Masons? What are their religious affiliations? What is their agenda? Or, why become a Mason? We answer these and others questions with high-ranking Freemason, Kevin P. Wardally 33°.
Mr. Wardally earned a Masters Degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix and is a proud graduate of Syracuse University where he earned a degree in Political Science and Economics. He resides in Harlem with his wife Adaku and two children, Emerson and Qiana.
In Masonry Kevin follows his Grandfather Henry Blakeley who was raised in Adelphic Union Lodge #14 in 1941 and his Grandmother Thurza Blakeley who was a Past

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Interview With Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx Borough President: Rebroadcast
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
What are the hot button issues facing the newly elected Bronx Borough President, Vanessa L. Gibson? We find out in this in-depth interview with the first African-American ever elected to this office. Indeed ,Madam Gibson has made history!
General email inquiries should be sent to:
Social Media
Twitter: @bronxbpgibson
FB: @bronxbpgibson
IG: bronxbpgibson

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Against the many odds they were faced with, The Millennials working hard to achieve success. This is not to say they have reached the pinnacle of their careers ,but are battling it out. This struggle is positioning their children, therefore our community ,for the challenges ahead. As I have said, I have confidence that our future is in good hands.
About Jevan Willis:
Retired U.S. Army - Captain and West Point Graduate
Jevan Willis is a Finance Executive and U.S. Army Officer veteran. He is the Global Treasury Transformation Lead at Micro Focus International as a Principal Consultant. He was a Senior Director and Global Operations Support Leader for Treasury Operations at GE Capital and Operations Manager for Enterprise Initiatives (PMO). He was also a Vice President at RBS - Citizens Bank as Strategic Program Manager and the Head of Business Management directly supporting the Vice-Chairman, and prior VP, Foreign Exchange Operations Manager.
While in the U.S. Army, he was a Captain and Headquarters Company Commander for the Garrison at West Point (USMA), Diversity Admissions Officer (West Point), Signal Corps Node Center-Deputy Commander & Platoon Leader (Ft. Bliss, TX) and Air Missile Defense – Launcher Platoon Leader in South Korea. Later he served in the NY National Guard supporting the Domestic All-Hazard Response Team-East (DART-East).
Jevan is a graduate of United States Military Academy at West Point and has a B.S in Electrical Engineering (CAD) and a M.A. in Management & Leadership from Webster University.
Supporting Black Owned Businesses, family and friends entrepreneurship endeavors:
Executive Producer
- Short Film: Boju Weyín - Bimpe Fageyinbo – Director, Author, Poet -
Submitted to Tribeca Film Festival – www.bybimpe.com/bojuwyinfilm.com
- SAG Short Film: Love In Zodiac - Lola Jimoh – Director, Writer, Actor
Submitted to American Black Film Festival – www.imdb.com/title/tt3077294.com
Advisory Board Member
- Lingerie Brand – Liberté – Amber Tolliver – www.liberte.co
As seen in Vogue, Bazaar, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Refinery 29 and InStyle magazines.
Social Media Links:
Linked-In: www.linkedin.com/in/jevanwillis
Instagram: jaywillsteel
Jevan’s Highlight Links for The Walt Weekly Podcast:

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
The TWW sits down with North Carolina born, Dena S. Ramsey. CEO and Entrepreneur who operates educational and mental health facilities in North Carolina and Virginia. How did she do it? What obstacles did she had to overcome?
About Mrs. Ramsey
Dena S. Ramsey is a native of Martin County, NC and currently resides in Rocky Mount, NC. Dena S. Ramsey is a graduate of Norfolk State University and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mass Communications.
She is the Founder and CEO of Hodgestown Lifetime Learning Center. Hodgestown Lifetime Learning Center is a five-star childcare facility licensed by the North Carolina Department of Child Development Services and is located in Roanoke Rapids, NC, Halifax County. The facility was established in May 2002 and serves children in Halifax, Northampton and Warren Counties ages zero to 12 years old. Hodgestown Lifetime Learning Center is the only private owned childcare facility in Halifax County who operates a licensed Head Start Program, and one of only two private owned childcare facilities licensed as NC Pre-K Sites in the county. Hodgestown Lifetime Learning Center employs 14 people who hold a minimum of an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field.
Dena S. Ramsey is also the Founder and CEO of Hope First, LLC. Hope First, LLC is a mental health and substance abuse agency licensed by the Virginia Division of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Hope First, LLC is licensed in Emporia, Lawrenceville and Norfolk, Virginia. Hope First, LLC serves citizens throughout the state of Virginia. Currently, Hope First, LLC employs 37 people who hold at a minimum a Bachelors Degree in a Human Service Field.
Dena S. Ramsey currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Halifax Warren Smart Start as well as the Board for Halifax-Warren NC Pre-K. She currently serves as President of the Community Women in Action Organization who serves Halifax, Warren, Northampton, Nash, Pitt, Martin and Bertie Counties.
Outside of work, Dena S. Ramsey enjoys spending time with her family and serving her community. She is an active member of Roanoke Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Jackson, NC, Northampton County.

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
The Walt Weekly Celebrates Black History Month 2022: Rebroadcast
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
What did we learn? Did we as a people rise to the occasion? Did we become relentless in our pursuits of peace, justice, and prosperity. What about equality? We believe that Black History Month should be a time that we use as a checkpoint on where we are and what our next steps should be.

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
The Millennials: Interview With Author, Lawyer, Poet, Hawa Allan
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
The Walt Weekly Podcast will begin what we will call The Millennials series. Our guest today, Hawa Allan , author of Insurrection, published by W.W. Norton, meets that requirement. Our Millennials will not be denied, and this drive will be passed on to future generations.
About Ms. Allan
Hawa Allan is a lawyer and writer of cultural criticism, fiction, and poetry. She is an essay editor at The Offing, and her work has appeared, among other places, in The Baffler, the Chicago Tribune, Lapham's Quarterly and Tricycle magazine, where she is a contributing editor. Her book Insurrection, an interweaving of personal narrative and legal history, was published in January 2022 by W.W. Norton.
Link to my book at the publisher (including links to online booksellers):

Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Return to Africa- Rebroadcast
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Michelle and Walter discuss the "Year of the Return " movement. What is it? Should we go?

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Conversation with Althea Stevens
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
We are extremely honored to have newly elected City Council Member, Althea Stevens, representing District 16 of the Bronx. What issues top her priority list?