The purpose of our show is to bring information and solutions to issues that impact the day-to-day lives of minorities.We can bring this value add by leveraging the knowledge of our host, Walter Latham, Sr. , co-host, Michelle Swiney, and our Panel, consisting of experts in various disciplines and life experiences.

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Guess Who is Dropping by This Holiday Season?
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Michelle and Walter discuss several some important episodes and along with upcoming episodes that we are sure you will like. But guys, guess what? The Panel is coming back “Live” for the holiday show on December 9 at 6:00 PM Eastern.
Ernest, Steve, Chris, Judy, Gene, and Greg will be joining us next week. They represent a cross section of the community and bring their thoughts and observations on the year and what they think is to come.
You don’t want to miss it.
Special Mentions:
Judy Andrews
Christopher Jones
Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals : OBAP

Sunday Nov 20, 2022
How To Become a Professional Pilot with Christopher Jones
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Chris’ fascination with aviation began in early childhood with after-church visits to the Charlotte Airport each Sunday with his grandmother. She would encourage him by proclaiming “Son, you can do whatever you want to in this world!”
He enlisted in the United States Air Force shortly after graduating from high school becoming an aircraft mechanic where he quickly learned to appreciate the value of higher education. He later graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with his flight ratings and was commissioned as an Air Force officer.
While serving as a maintenance officer in the Air Force reserve, Chris’ desire to fly still burned strong. He has done a variety of aircraft pilot jobs including Air Taxi, Air Charter, Air Ambulance, and the regional airlines. Perhaps the most life-changing opportunity of his career was being a pilot for a humanitarian organization in Afghanistan serving those in great need. That incited a deep commitment to using his passions and talents to encourage, motivate and inspire others.
Currently employed as a Boeing 737 pilot for Alaska Airlines, Chris credits his work with OBAP and the Aviation Pilot Development Program (APDP) for helping to achieve the position he is in today. He has participated in multiple programs built to enhance youth, such as Big Brother/Big Sisters of America, ACE Academy and Aerospace Professionals in Schools (APIS). Chris truly believes in purpose and hopes to use his career to bolster the message that despite challenges ahead you can, indeed, do whatever you want to in this world!
Founded in 1976, the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the education and advancement of minorities in all aviation and aerospace careers. OBAP’s Project Aerospace offers annual opportunities to inform and prepare aspiring aerospace professionals for their future careers. This dream-to-career commitment includes initial exposure to the industry through in-school career day events, immersive summer programs,
Other Resources
Aircraft Owners Pilots Association (AOPA)
Sister’s of the Skies (SOS)
Women In Aviation (WIA)
Ninety-Nines: International Organization of Women’s Pilots

Sunday Nov 13, 2022
The Walt Weekly Podcast Has Exciting Episodes Coming Up!
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
What's' Coming?
- How to Become a Professional Pilot with Christopher Jones
- The “Out and About NYC” Series with Cohost, Michelle Swiney McCombs. Michelle stops by the historical St. George Theatre on Staten Island
- We reconvene “The Panel” for a holiday show wherein we take a lookback on 2022
- We will also take a sneak peak of what our listeners can expect for 2023
If you like our show, please let us know with your likes, shares, and subscriptions. Thank you for your support.

Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Black American Leader Interview with Candidate :Joe Williams
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
The Walt Weekly was tasked with recruiting a Black Leader. Can this be done? Michelle and Walter kick off this endeavor with the interview of our applicant, Joe Williams.
Disclaimer: The content of this show is for discussion purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the position of The Walt Weekly Podcast or it's guest.

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
The Walt Weekly sits down with CFP, Kevion Latham , financial advisor to professional athletes and entertainers, to discuss how to manage and grow wealth. As we all have heard, athletes become overnight millionaires only to find themselves, after leaving their sport, broke with little hope of transitioning to a productive life. How do we secure and grow our wealth so that we can pass it on generationally? That is a topline issue for us as a community.
About Kevion Latham
Managing Principal
GreenRose Wealth Management · Full-time GreenRose Wealth Management Nov 2018 - Present · 4 yrs Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania
Director of Planning
Signify Wealth Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 · 1 yr 1 moNov 2017 - moGreater St. Louis Area Greater St. Louis Area
Financial Advisor Financial Advisor
Raymond James Financial, Inc., Inc. Feb 2014 - Nov 2017 · 3 yrs 10 mos · Greater Pittsburgh Area
Wealth Management Advisor
Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch
Mar 2012 - Feb 2014 · 2 yrs· Greater Pittsburgh Area Greater
Corporate Banking Analyst Corporate Banking Analyst
Jan 2012 - Apr 2012 · 4 Months ,Cleveland/Akron, Ohio
Financial Analyst Development Program
Feb 2011 - Jan 2012 · 1 yr AreaGreater Pittsburgh Area
Penn State University Penn State University
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Finance
NFLPA Registered Player Financial Advisor
NFL Players AssociationI ssued Mar 2020 · No Expiration Date
CFP Board Issued Nov 2016 · No Expiration Date Issued Credential ID 270671
Board MemberBoard Member
Homeless Children's Education Fund Nov 2020 - Present · 2 yrs Nov 2020 - Present
Advisory Committee Advisory Committee
Orange Arrow Players Association Dec 2020 - Present · 1 yr 11 mos

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Out and About Community Series with Cohost Michelle Swiney-McCombs
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Michelle is all over the city y’all. Here is one of her interviews from her travels.
When the Wu-Tang Clan burst onto the scene in the 1990's, the world was introduced to the enigmatic, lyrical genius known as Ghostface Killah. There are few lyricists that can match the resume put forth by GFK.
While always providing musical intelligence and Grade A verbal paintings, Ghost has let the world know at every turn that he is not only talented in providing "food for thought," but has also become known as a food and beverage connoisseur.
It is not surprising that Killah Koffee, a designer coffee brand, has been added to his repertoire.
Killah Koffee is made with 100% Arabica beans and is reminiscent of the smooth, flamboyant style one can only expect from Ghost.
Enjoy one of our four proprietary blends: Marble Cake, Supreme Dark Roast, Marvelous Medium Roast, or C.R.E.A.M., and you're in for a treat.
It's delicious!
The Walt Weekly Podcast
Website: Thewaltweekly.com
Insta: @thewaltweekly
FB: The Walt Weekly Podcast
Twitter: @waltweekly

Sunday Oct 16, 2022
WANDA Amplifies the Voices of Black Women and Girls in the Food System
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
An Interview with Tambra Stevenson, Founder and CEO of WANDA
What are the voices of food freedom? Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture (WANDA), a DC-based nonprofit organization, amplifies the voices of Black women and girls leading in the food system in this premiere video release prior to its Sisterhood Supper: #Juneteenth Celebration kicking off WANDA Week.
Juneteenth represents not just emancipation of Black bodies and minds but also from colonized cuisines that have robbed our generational health. “From diabetes to heart disease, I have family members who have been victims of an unjust food system from lack of land to lack of nutrition education,” says Tambra Stevenson, founder/CEO of WANDA.
“For too long Black women and girls have been hidden figures in our food system. Yet they have used food as their superpower to nourish a nation and heal their homes," says Tambra Stevenson, CEO of WANDA. "We are not only amplifying their voices but fund the movement towards food freedom." Food sheroes - are not just professional women in food and nutrition but our mothers, aunties, and nanas - who are addressing hunger, nutrition, & health inequities while building upon a legacy of food freedom fighters on the frontline like Georgia Gilmore, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Harriet Tubman.
WANDA is grateful for the community-wide support for the Food Shero Freedom Fund which helps establish their next endowment at an HBCU. Share this video with your community and join in the conversation of inclusive representation in leading the food system by changing the narrative using #IamWANDA and #FundtheFightNow
About Tambra Raye Stevenson MPH
CEO, Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture
Tambra Raye Stevenson is the founder and CEO of WANDA: Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture building a pipeline of a million women and girls to lead from farm to health through education, advocacy, and innovation. Tambra is working at the nexus of nutrition equity, sustainability, and health. She has been named the 2021 Science Defender by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a 2021 Changemaker by Clean Eating Magazine, 2020 Changemaker in the Food System by Washington City Paper, National Geographic Traveler, ASHOKA/RWJF’s Champion for Children’s Wellbeing and by the NAACP with the Wm. Montague Cobb Advocacy Award. She was appointed by USDA Secretary Vilsack to the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board. Tambra serves as the nutrition and health working co-chair for the D.C. Food Policy Council and nutrition security working co-chair for the Tufts Food and Nutrition Innovation Council. She holds an M.P.H. in health communication from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, and a bachelor’s degree in human nutrition with a minor in Spanish from Oklahoma State University. She is currently working on her Ph.D. at the American University School of Communication in Washington, D.C. After Tufts, Tambra began her public service career at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the D.C. Mayor's Office on Women's Policy and Initiatives, and at the University of the District of Columbia’s College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences.
Social Media: Twitter, FB, IG, LinkedIn
@tambraraye @_iamwandaorg @iamwandaorg
Contact for more info:
Schedule appointments at https://www.calendly.com/iamwandaorg
Email inquiries to hello@iamwanda.org

Monday Sep 26, 2022
QAnon For Dummies- Rebroadcast
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
For those who missed it!
QAnon or simply Q, is a disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former President Trump while he was in office. QAnon is called a cult.
The conspiracy theory dates back to October 2017, when an anonymous post on a message board said extradition agreements had been struck with several countries "in case of cross border run" by Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic rival for the White House in 2016. (That run still hasn't happened.) The person or group behind the post eventually came to be known as "Q," which is where the conspiracy theory's name comes from.
Now I think that there has always been a need to belong. Some people are followers, so if something comes down the line that fits their belief system, they are likely to jump on the wagon. QAnon fits this to a "T". They hate the government, they don’t like Democrats, they want to bring back the Reich.
There have been many cults throughout history, and there will be more. Why, man’s need to have a common enemy. Man is tribal at the most primitive level. That is how early man survived. You must have a common enemy.
MSHair Private Studio
A hand made all-natural and organic hair oil
Save 10% with discount code:TWW
IG & FB @michelleswineyhair
Greg Coleman, NC
CEO of Illumination Media & Technology
FB: illuminationmediatech
IG: illuminationmediatech
TW: IlluminationMe1 & YouTube
Engineer at The Walt Weekly
Christopher Swiney, New Jersey
Host of Loud Chatter on Podbean & Chef
CEO of Johnny Ruth’s Catering
IG: Bigsween68
FB:Christopher Swiney
Gene Edwards
Male District Leader (D)
79th AD, The Bronx, NY
Fb: Gene Anthony Edwards Jr.
Ig: teamgene_
Ernest J. Robinson, Washington ,DC
Sergeant, US Marine Corp Combat Veteran
SR consultant @ B Ernest leadership and professional consultant
Fb: Ernest J Robinson
Steven A. Smith, ATL, GA
Educator, second chance business funding, credit specialist
Social media:
fb;Steven A Smith

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Michelle Reviews New York Fashion Week 2023
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Co-host of the TWW ,and NYC Hairstylist, Michelle Sweeney-McCombs, a veteran of NYFW, gives us an insider view of this year's Fashion Week.
Stay tuned as a veteran gives you her review of this season's activities along with the ins and outs.
Emerge fashion runway show NYFW SS23
Dionnne Williams,
Creator & Producer of Emerge
President, D. Williams Public Relations Group
Fashion Innovator Award
Misa Hylton
IG: @misshylton
Award presenter Bevy Smith
Media personality, best-selling Author & Actress
Stevie Edwards
IG: @steviethedesigner
Justin Haynes
IG: @theofficialjus10H
Malcolm Staples
IG: @makarassi_couture
Ivan & Erin
Email: IVANERBRAND@yahoo.com
IG: @ivanerinbrand
IG: @scalodesigner
Sponsored by
TGIN (thank God it’s Natural)
Ambi, the skin tone authority
BCI, Bennett Career Institute
M/Models Inc.
DWilliams, PR & Event Management Group
Ebony Media Sponsor
Tamiko White
Creative Brand Consultant
CEO @whitenoiseconsulting
Creator #NOWtrending
Host @cesdtalent Agency NY/LA
Kia Sterling
IG: @kiasterlinghair

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Why Can’t We Protest Effectively? Our People Are Still Dying
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Since we released this episode on 7/24/19, nothing has changed! What is the most important lesson that we keep getting hit over the head with? Without struggle, there is no freedom!
It has always puzzled me why we have not been to able effect change utilizing our right to assemble and protest peacefully. Why is that other groups can come together and protest and produce change or compromise. The only difference that is evident to me is perseverance, consistency, and being relentless.
What is the difference between them and us? Well, to be perfectly honest note the following
- Consistency
- People not participating
- People losing interest
- People burying their heads in the sand
- People afraid that they will lose their jobs
- Lack of group cohesion (this has killed us)
- Failure to develop an agenda
- Execution of that agenda
The issues facing the Black American run deep and cannot change without refusing to accept the status quo.
Just look around you, other groups have lost respect in our ability to stand up and call out these issues that face us. What is 1000 protesters when we have over 35 million Black Americans in this country. We can’t afford to just sit here and take it. Aren’t you tired? Or do you think God is going to change things for the better? We have to make the sacrifices. Nothing has been gained without sacrifice.
Please Subscribe, Like, and Share this podcast.
Instagram: @thewaltweekly
Website: TheWaltWeekly.com
FB: The Walt Weekly Podcast